Sounds Terrific 2
Sounds Terrific II (1996)(Weird Science)(Disc 1 of 2)[Amiga-PC].iso
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/* commands.c
vi:ts=3 sw=3:
/* $Id: commands.c,v 4.19 1995/05/11 12:23:43 espie Exp espie $
* $Log: commands.c,v $
* Revision 4.19 1995/05/11 12:23:43 espie
* Corrected DELAY, SET_LOOP (+1), and volslide.
* Revision 4.18 1995/03/11 21:40:25 espie
* Added jump_pattern, invert_loop.
* Revision 4.17 1995/03/04 00:15:48 espie
* Implemented vibrato control.
* Revision 4.16 1995/03/01 15:24:51 espie
* tone portamento and set offset more conformant to protracker.
* Revision 4.15 1995/02/25 15:43:11 espie
* Bug in tremolo FIXED !!!
* Revision 4.14 1995/02/21 21:13:16 espie
* Cleaned up source. Moved minor pieces of code around.
* Revision 4.13 1995/02/21 17:54:32 espie
* Internal problem: buggy RCS. Fixed logs.
* Revision 4.11 1995/02/20 22:28:50 espie
* tremolo
* Revision 4.10 1995/02/20 16:49:58 espie
* Checked in new commands, fixed bug in set_finetune:
* need to adjust the frequency of the current note according to
* the new finetune.
* Revision 4.8 1995/02/06 14:50:47 espie
* Changed sample_info.
* Revision 4.6 1995/02/01 16:39:04 espie
* Includes moved to defs.h
* Revision 4.2 1994/08/23 18:19:46 espie
* Added speedmode option
* Abstracted IO.
* Some notice to status.
* play_note instead of ch->mode.
* Fixed bug with bad loops.
* Modified the way set_speed works.
* Very small bug with volume (Lawrence).
* Added bg/fg test.
* More precise vibrato table.
* Revision 2.12 1992/11/13 13:24:24 espie
* Added some extended commands: E12AB, and some.
* now use set_volume in audio.c. All the device-dependent operation
* is there.
* Defensive programming: check the range of each note
* for arpeggio setup.
* Structured part of the code, especially replay ``automaton''
* and setting up of effects.
* Revision 1.9 1991/11/17 17:09:53 espie
* Added missing prototypes.
* Dynamic oversample and frequency.
* Added arpeggio.
* Fixed up vibrato depth.
* Added vibslide and portaslide.
* Added command 9.
#include "defs.h"
#include "channel.h"
#include "song.h"
#include "extern.h"
#include "prefs.h"
ID("$Id: commands.c,v 4.19 1995/05/11 12:23:43 espie Exp espie $")
/* sine table for the vibrato effect (obtained through build_vibrato.c) */
int vibrato_table[3][64] =
/*** setting up effects/doing effects :
*** set_xxx gets called while parsing the effect,
*** do_xxx gets called each tick, and update the
*** sound parameters while playing.
*** base effects
void do_nothing(ch)
struct channel *ch;
LOCAL void not_implemented(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
notice("Not implemented");
LOCAL void set_nothing(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
/* slide pitch (up or down) */
LOCAL void do_slide(ch)
struct channel *ch;
ch->pitch += ch->slide;
ch->pitch = MIN(ch->pitch, MAX_PITCH);
ch->pitch = MAX(ch->pitch, MIN_PITCH);
set_current_pitch(ch, ch->pitch);
LOCAL void set_upslide(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
ch->adjust = do_slide;
if (a->para)
ch->slide = a->para;
LOCAL void set_downslide(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
ch->adjust = do_slide;
if (a->para)
ch->slide = -a->para;
/* modulate the pitch with vibrato */
LOCAL void do_vibrato(ch)
struct channel *ch;
int offset;
/* this is no longer a literal transcription of the pt
* code. I have rescaled the vibrato table.
ch->viboffset += ch->vibrate;
ch->viboffset &= 63;
/* please don't use logical shift on signed values */
offset = (ch->vibtable[ch->viboffset] * ch->vibdepth)/256;
/* temporary update of only the step value,
* note that we do not change the saved pitch.
set_current_pitch(ch, ch->pitch + offset);
LOCAL void set_vibrato(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
ch->adjust = do_vibrato;
if (HI(a->para))
ch->vibrate = HI(a->para);
if (LOW(a->para))
ch->vibdepth = LOW(a->para);
if (ch->resetvib)
ch->viboffset = 0;
LOCAL void do_tremolo(ch)
struct channel *ch;
int offset;
ch->tremoffset += ch->tremrate;
ch->tremoffset &= 63;
offset = (ch->tremtable[ch->tremoffset] * ch->tremdepth)/128;
set_temp_volume(ch, ch->volume + offset);
LOCAL void set_tremolo(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
ch->adjust = do_tremolo;
if (HI(a->para))
ch->tremrate = HI(a->para);
if (LOW(a->para))
ch->tremdepth = LOW(a->para);
if (ch->resettrem)
ch->tremoffset = 0;
/* arpeggio looks a bit like chords: we alternate between two
* or three notes very fast.
LOCAL void do_arpeggio(ch)
struct channel *ch;
if (++ch->arpindex >= MAX_ARP)
ch->arpindex =0;
set_current_pitch(ch, ch->arp[ch->arpindex]);
LOCAL void set_arpeggio(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
/* arpeggio can be installed relative to the
* previous note, so we have to check that there
* actually is a current(previous) note
if (ch->note == NO_NOTE)
status("No note present for arpeggio");
error = FAULT;
int note;
ch->arp[0] = pitch_table[ch->note][ch->finetune];
note = ch->note + HI(a->para);
if (note < NUMBER_NOTES)
ch->arp[1] = pitch_table[note][ch->finetune];
status("Arpeggio note out of range");
error = FAULT;
note = ch->note + LOW(a->para);
if (note < NUMBER_NOTES)
ch->arp[2] = pitch_table[note][ch->finetune];
status("Arpeggio note out of range");
error = FAULT;
ch->arpindex = 0;
ch->adjust = do_arpeggio;
/* volume slide. Mostly used to simulate waveform control.
* (attack/decay/sustain).
LOCAL void do_slidevol(ch)
struct channel *ch;
set_current_volume(ch, ch->volume + ch->volumerate);
/* note that volumeslide does not have a ``take default''
* behavior. If para is 0, this is truly a 0 volumeslide.
* Issue: is the test really necessary ? Can't we do
* a HI(para) - LOW(para). Answer: protracker does not.
* DON'T GET the test order wrong!!! or ghouls will sound strange
LOCAL void parse_slidevol(ch, para)
struct channel *ch;
int para;
if (HI(para))
ch->volumerate = HI(para);
ch->volumerate = -LOW(para);
LOCAL void set_slidevol(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
ch->adjust = do_slidevol;
parse_slidevol(ch, a->para);
/* portamento goes from a given pitch to another. We could optimize
* that effect by splitting the routine into a pitch up/pitch down
* part while setting up the effect.
LOCAL void do_portamento(ch)
struct channel *ch;
if (ch->pitch < ch->pitchgoal)
ch->pitch += ch->pitchrate;
if (ch->pitch >= ch->pitchgoal)
ch->pitch = ch->pitchgoal;
ch->pitchgoal = 0; /* ch->pitchgoal reset in protracker */
ch->adjust = do_nothing;
else if (ch->pitch > ch->pitchgoal)
ch->pitch -= ch->pitchrate;
if (ch->pitch <= ch->pitchgoal)
ch->pitch = ch->pitchgoal;
ch->pitchgoal = 0; /* ch->pitchgoal reset in protracker */
ch->adjust = do_nothing;
/* funk glissando: round to the nearest note each time */
if (ch->funk_glissando)
set_current_pitch(ch, nearest_note(ch->pitch, ch->finetune));
set_current_pitch(ch, ch->pitch);
/* if para and pitch are 0, this is obviously a continuation
* of the previous portamento.
LOCAL void set_portamento(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
if (a->para)
ch->pitchrate = a->para;
if (a->pitch)
ch->pitchgoal = a->pitch;
if (ch->pitchgoal)
ch->adjust = do_portamento;
*** combined commands
LOCAL void do_portaslide(ch)
struct channel *ch;
LOCAL void set_portaslide(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
ch->adjust = do_portaslide;
if (a->pitch)
ch->pitchgoal = a->pitch;
parse_slidevol(ch, a->para);
LOCAL void do_vibratoslide(ch)
struct channel *ch;
LOCAL void set_vibratoslide(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
ch->adjust = do_vibratoslide;
parse_slidevol(ch, a->para);
if (ch->resetvib)
ch->viboffset = 0;
*** effects that just need a setup part
/* IMPORTANT: because of the special nature of the player, we can't
* process each effect independently, we have to merge effects from
* the four channel before doing anything about it. For instance,
* there can be several speed change in the same note.
LOCAL void set_speed(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
if (a->para >= 32 && get_pref_scalar(PREF_SPEEDMODE) != OLD_SPEEDMODE)
a->new_finespeed = a->para;
a->do_stuff |= SET_FINESPEED;
else if (a->para)
a->new_speed = a->para;
a->do_stuff |= SET_SPEED;
LOCAL void set_skip(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
/* BCD decoding in read.c */
a->new_note = a->para;
a->do_stuff |= SET_SKIP;
LOCAL void set_fastskip(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
a->new_pattern = a->para;
a->do_stuff |= SET_FASTSKIP;
/* immediate effect: starts the sample somewhere
* off the start.
LOCAL void set_offset(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
if (a->para)
ch->start_offset = a->para * 256;
set_position(ch, ch->start_offset);
/* change the volume of the current channel. Is effective until there
* is a new set_volume, slide_volume, or an instrument is reloaded
* explicitly by giving its number. Obviously, if you load an instrument
* and do a set_volume in the same note, the set_volume will take precedence.
LOCAL void set_volume(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
set_current_volume(ch, a->para);
*** extended commands
/* retrig note at a fast pace
LOCAL void do_retrig(ch)
struct channel *ch;
if (--ch->current <= 0)
reset_note(ch, ch->note, ch->pitch);
ch->current = ch->retrig;
LOCAL void set_retrig(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
ch->retrig = a->para;
ch->current = ch->retrig;
ch->adjust = do_retrig;
/* start note after a small delay
LOCAL void do_latestart(ch)
struct channel *ch;
if (--ch->current <= 0)
reset_note(ch, ch->note, ch->pitch);
ch->adjust = do_nothing;
LOCAL void set_late_start(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
play_note(ch->audio, empty_sample() , 0);
ch->current = a->para;
ch->adjust = do_latestart;
/* cut note after some time. Note we only kill the volume,
* as protracker does (compatibility...)
LOCAL void do_cut(ch)
struct channel *ch;
if (ch->retrig)
if (--ch->retrig == 0)
set_current_volume(ch, 0);
LOCAL void set_note_cut(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
ch->retrig = a->para;
ch->adjust = do_cut;
LOCAL void set_smooth_up(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
ch->pitch += a->para;
ch->pitch = MIN(ch->pitch, MAX_PITCH);
ch->pitch = MAX(ch->pitch, MIN_PITCH);
set_current_pitch(ch, ch->pitch);
LOCAL void set_smooth_down(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
ch->pitch -= a->para;
ch->pitch = MIN(ch->pitch, MAX_PITCH);
ch->pitch = MAX(ch->pitch, MIN_PITCH);
set_current_pitch(ch, ch->pitch);
LOCAL void set_change_finetune(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
ch->finetune = a->para;
if (a->note != NO_NOTE)
a->pitch = pitch_table[a->note][ch->finetune];
reset_note(ch, a->note, a->pitch);
LOCAL void set_loop(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
/* Note: the current implementation of protracker
* does not allow for a jump from pattern to pattern,
* even though it looks like a logical extension to the current
* format.
if (a->para == 0)
ch->loop_note_num = a->note_num;
if (ch->loop_counter == -1)
ch->loop_counter = a->para + 1;
/* We have to defer the actual note jump
* to automaton.c, because some modules include several
* loops on the same measure, which is a bit confusing
* (see don't you want me for a good example)
if (ch->loop_counter > 0)
a->do_stuff |= JUMP_PATTERN;
a->loop_note_num = ch->loop_note_num;
ch->loop_counter = -1;
LOCAL void set_smooth_upvolume(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
set_current_volume(ch, ch->volume + a->para);
LOCAL void set_smooth_downvolume(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
set_current_volume(ch, ch->volume - a->para);
LOCAL void set_delay_pattern(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
a->delay_counter = (a->para + 1);
void set_gliss_ctrl(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
if (a->para)
ch->funk_glissando = TRUE;
/* notice("Funk true"); */
ch->funk_glissando = FALSE;
/* notice("Funk false"); */
void set_vibrato_wave(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
ch->vibtable = vibrato_table[a->para & 3];
if (a->para & 4)
ch->resetvib = FALSE;
ch->resetvib = TRUE;
void set_tremolo_wave(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
ch->tremtable = vibrato_table[a->para & 3];
if (a->para & 4)
ch->resettrem = FALSE;
ch->resettrem = TRUE;
LOCAL void do_invert(ch)
struct channel *ch;
ch->invert_offset += ch->invert_speed;
if (ch->invert_offset >= 128)
ch->invert_offset = 0;
if (ch->samp->rp_length)
if (++ch->invert_position >= ch->samp->rp_length)
ch->invert_position = 0;
ch->samp->rp_start[ch->invert_position] = -1
- ch->samp->rp_start[ch->invert_position];
LOCAL void set_invert_loop(a, ch)
struct automaton *a;
struct channel *ch;
LOCAL unsigned char funk_table[] =
{0, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 16, 19, 22, 26, 32, 43, 64, 128};
if (a->para)
ch->invert_speed = funk_table[a->para];
ch->special = do_invert;
ch->special = do_nothing;
/* initialize the whole effect table */
void init_effects(table)
void (*table[]) P((struct automaton *a, struct channel *ch));
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_EFFECTS; i++)
table[i] = set_nothing;
table[EFF_ARPEGGIO] = set_arpeggio;
table[EFF_SPEED] = set_speed;
table[EFF_SKIP] = set_skip;
table[EFF_FF] = set_fastskip;
table[EFF_VOLUME] = set_volume;
table[EFF_VOLSLIDE] = set_slidevol;
table[EFF_OFFSET] = set_offset;
table[EFF_PORTA] = set_portamento;
table[EFF_PORTASLIDE] = set_portaslide;
table[EFF_UP] = set_upslide;
table[EFF_DOWN] = set_downslide;
table[EFF_VIBRATO] = set_vibrato;
table[EFF_VIBSLIDE] = set_vibratoslide;
table[EFF_SMOOTH_UP] = set_smooth_up;
table[EFF_SMOOTH_DOWN] = set_smooth_down;
table[EFF_CHG_FTUNE] = set_change_finetune;
table[EFF_LOOP] = set_loop;
table[EFF_RETRIG] = set_retrig;
table[EFF_S_UPVOL] = set_smooth_upvolume;
table[EFF_S_DOWNVOL] = set_smooth_downvolume;
table[EFF_NOTECUT] = set_note_cut;
table[EFF_LATESTART] = set_late_start;
table[EFF_DELAY] = set_delay_pattern;
table[EFF_TREMOLO] = set_tremolo;
table[EFF_GLISS_CTRL] = set_gliss_ctrl;
table[EFF_VIBRATO_WAVE] = set_vibrato_wave;
table[EFF_TREMOLO_WAVE] = set_tremolo_wave;
table[EFF_INVERT_LOOP] = set_invert_loop;